I’m on a mission.

It’s evolved over the years but the objective hasn’t changed. I want to learn as much about the world as I can, and then use those insights to make a positive impact on humanity.

I see that eventually meaning involvement in politics, although perhaps I’ll stick to the private sector where change happens more quickly.

It’s bold, and broad, but I’ve always been a big dreamer — and stubborn in my pursuit of those dreams.

It’s that same drive that led me to become a full-time writer. You see, I wanted to travel the world and see the different ways that people live; the different ways that people solve problems; the different ways that societies solve problems, but I needed a way to pay for that.

Traveling, although cheaper than you might think, isn’t free. I needed an income to support my mission — an income that allowed me the freedom to move around the world.

It started with savings, a university degree in International Development, and an English teaching certificate. The plan was to travel over land from Indonesia to China, where I would settle into an English teaching position for a year or so.

I arrived in Indonesia in January 2020. The pandemic broke out across Asia only a few weeks later. My plan, you might suspect, was thrown out the window.

I took refuge in East Timor, hoping everything would blow over in a couple of weeks. That also didn’t happen.

Borders and airports were shutting down and in late March I got on the last flight out of East Timor to make my way back to Canada.

I adapted to the changing situation, took a job in Canada’s Northwest Territories for the summer, and then began teaching English online shortly thereafter. If the world won’t let me do it in person, I’ll just do it online.

After that stopover in Canada, I went to Mexico to continue my mission. Teaching English online, I now had a source of income that gave me the freedom to truly see the world.

I enjoyed teaching, but it wasn’t my passion. I soon transitioned into writing and that’s where I’ve built my home for the last three years. I quickly got into the sustainability field and knew that I had found my path again.

Freelance writing requires a lot of critical thought, self-discipline, motivation, and a stubborn thirst for knowledge. It was made for me.

My favourite thing about freelance writing is that it is a continuous education. Clients commission me to write articles, reports, or eBooks about a topic that sometimes I don’t know a lot about. I then go out, speak to experts in the field, learn everything I can about it, and come back with a finished piece that even wows myself sometimes.

While I’m now considered a sustainability and ESG professional, it’s a constantly changing field and there’s a lot left to learn. That said, I’m always on the lookout for the next project that forces me a little bit outside of my comfort zone so I can continue learning, growing, and taking that next step on my ambitious journey.